Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sorority Life 101 (Part 3)

The Spa
If you are not an attacker, then ignore the spa. Pretend it does not exist. If all you want to do is organize events, play dress up with your avatar, talk to sisters, and get some of the achievements, then you don't need the spa. "But SIN! When they attack me, I get depressed! I can't play when I'm depressed!" Yes you can! You just can't ATTACK when you're depressed! AND, if you're depressed or in the spa, you won't get attacked. BUT, if you go to the spa and pay the spa money, then you are actually getting OUT of the spa. You're not staying in it! So, if you are not an attacker, then the best thing you can do is stay in the spa by NOT paying for treatment and save your money. If you ARE an attacker, then I would only use the spa sparingly and when you are getting good money from attacking.

"But SIN, there have been times when my confidence was under 20% and I couldn't attack, but others could attack me!" You don't stay in the spa forever. When your confidence is under 20% of your max confidence, you are in the spa and cannot be attacked. So, if your max confidence is 100, you go to the spa at 19, and come OUT of the spa at 20. If your max confidence is 200, you go to the spa at 39, and come out at 40. And your confidence regenerates every 3 minutes or 2:42 depending on your character type. YOU CANNOT STAY IN THE SPA FOREVER! People cannot attack you when you're in the spa, but they CAN stalk you and wait until the moment you come out of the spa and then attack you again to depress you or put you back in the spa. And this is perfectly acceptable by the rules of the game. Yes, I said that stalking your character and waiting until you are out of the spa to attack you again, and again, and again is perfectly allowed in the game. Please do not report this behavior.

The "My House" tab
If you click on "My House," you will see all of your friends. That is where you invite them to be a part of your house. And, you can also accept other people's invites there as well. If you want to view the people who are in your house, click "view xxx members". There, you will see everyone who is in your house. If you have any boarders, it will say, for instance, at the top "(4 boarders) (500 Active)." That means that you have at least 500 sisters and 4 boarders. You can only fight with 5x your level up to level 100. Even if you have over 1,000 sisters in your house, you can STILL only fight with up to 500 sisters unless you have boarders. So, if you're a level 23, you can fight with 115 sisters because 23 times 5 is 115. But, if you are, for instance, a level 101, you will fight with up to 500 sisters unless you have boarders. If you do have boarders, then you can fight with up to 505 sisters if you have 5 boarders and at least 500 sisters. If you're level 102, you can fight with up to 510 sisters if you have 10 boarders and at least 500 sisters. For step by step instructions on how to add somebody to your house, accept invites and other house related topics, read the How To's of SL. Pay close attention to posts 2 and 3 because those are about adding sisters to your house.

The "Myself" tab and Extra Characters
Each time you level up, you get 3 skill points. Plus, several of the masteries give you skill points. These are very valuable and should not (normally) be saved. There are exceptions to this rule, but I'm not going to go into them here, so for all intensive puposes, do not save your skill points. To help you figure out where you should be spending your skill points, please read Choosing a Character Type. On the myself tab, you can also see how close you are to your next level. This is also where you can start a new character (mini).

In this game, you can have up to 10 characters on the same account. That means that your one myspace, facebook, tagged or hi5 account can have ten characters on it. But, only one character is active at a time. Saved, or "sleeping" characters do not gain money, confidence, stamina or energy while they are sleeping. Only your active account does this. BUT, your sleeping characters also cannot be attacked - only the active one can. For pros and cons about extra characters, read Pros and Cons of Secondary Characters.

My Style
This is where you can dress your avatar in different outfits. If you're on Myspace, you have the wardrobe feature where you can layer your clothes and mix and match your outfits. If you are on Facebook, Tagged or Hi5, this feature is not yet available. WHAT YOUR AVATAR IS WEARING DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON FIGHTS!!! You could wear your formal dress with the generic shoes and go bald if you want to. Your character is NOT affected by what you wear, so there is no strategy involved whatsoever in deciding what to wear! Chances are, it's not even going to get you more votes, since most people simply vote for their sisters no matter what they are wearing, so you could wear the most hideous outfit in your wardrobe and still probably get roughly the same amount of votes. Therefore, you can pretty much wear whatever you want to and still be successful in this game.

The Catwalk
If you click on the catwalk, you will see 3 people standing there. You can vote for whichever one you like the best, if you wish. BUT, if you hear your sisters say on the broadcasts, "vote for me on the catwalk," they are NOT talking about those three people. The three people on the actual catwalk are chosen randomly. Your sisters are actually talking about the list to the right of the catwalk. That is the list of the people who have gotten the most votes that day. Yes, it's a popularity contest and usually has nothing to do with fashion.

The In Crowd
The "In Crowd" is a list of the people who do the best in the game in specific categories of the game:

Queen Bee - Won the most fights
Most Vicious - Depressed the most people
Most Popular - Has the most sisters. For weekly ratings, it is how many people you have added to your house that week.
Burn List Vigilante - Has taken down the most people off the burn list.

There are lists for regional, everyone, weekly and all-time.

FAQ and Reporting Abuse
The FAQ section (on Facebook, it's a "?") has a lot of useful information in it! If you have been wondering something about the game, chances are, it's listed there in that section. For a copy of all of the FAQ's from the game, read In-Game FAQ's - All in one handy dandy place!

On the FAQ tab, you can report abuse. There are several things you can report somebody for. If their name is inappropriate, go to their stats page and click "report inappropriate name." If somebody leaves a racist, threatening, vulgar or harrassing message on your stats page, you can report that too. On Facebook and Tagged, there is a button that looks like a triangle with a ! in the middle of it. That's the report button. Click there to report that comment. On Myspace, you have to go to FAQ, click "support," then click "report inappropriate behavior," and then submit your report. DO NOT REPORT SOMEBODY FOR ATTACKING YOU IN THE GAME!!! The more reports that Playdom (the company who designed Sorority Life and other apps) gets that are not valid reports, the longer it takes to get to the REAL reports that NEED to be taken care of! For more information on this, read How to Report Inappropriate Behavior.

There's a lot to learn about this game, and that's what (IMO) makes it fun and exciting! Trying different character types, setting different goals and trying to accomplish them, or just playing the game the way YOU want to play are all aspects to this game that can be very enjoyable! The thing is, since this is a game of strategy, there's usually something new to learn about the game! If you have any questions about any aspect of the game, let me know!


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Welcome to the official Sorority Life Cheats blog where you can stay in the know about new game features and other essential updates about how to overcome these and get as many brownie points and influence points as possible straight from the experts. Get the inside scoop on all the latest gossip, the most up-to-the-moment fashion tips, the hottest tips for strutting your style, and the first notice about new game features.
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